Thought I would share Christiana's Birthday cards with you. I made them before we went to Cyprus and left them there with her, along with a pressie to open and a pressie to treat herself with.
Oh, here is Christiana along with Sophia and Katerina. This is the most up to date picture I have of the three of them together.

And the latest addition to our family is 7 month old Millie, who is Christiana's baby.
Milliie chews everything and I mean everything. She started chewing the kitchen chairs and as they didnt belong to Christiana she had to take them to a carpenter to be repaired. Then she began taking an interest in the kitchen table legs, well mum came up with a great idea. We got 1 1/2 little plastic water bottles, chopped the tops off and put the legs of the table into a plastic bottle. It looked silly but hay, it worked.
Thanks for having a look at my blog today and please feel free to leave a comment. Have a great day, whatever you are doing