so good to me ba daba ba ba ba,
Monday morning,
it was all I hoped it would be
Do you remember that song? I think it was the Mammas and Pappas and I just cant stop singing it? Well its a wet morning here in Derby which is great for the plants and I dont have plans of going out until later when I take the girls and their friends back to the railway station. They are all going back to Preston today, via shopping in Birmingham??
Yesterday it was a bit of a busy Easter starting off at a proper time of day around half 7ish. I got everything ready for lunch, baked two lots of cakes and everyone got up.
Here are the cakes, a St. Clementines (orange and lemon)

And some Chocolate Muffins which the Cypriots think are sweet enough but the grandchildren (and adults) liked them.

Katerina did the toast for everyone which is normally Paul's job but sadly, he had to work.

Then it was lunch

and Nana May came to visit. Then the grandchildren came, Sister and Hubby came, then niece, her hubby and little Ollie. I did tea for all those that were here and before I knew it, the clock said it was 9p.m. ummm where did the day go? So I took myself off to bed and left the crew playing cards.

It was a wonderful day and who knows what I will get up to today?
Here is a card that I made in Peterborough. I thought I had shared this with you but I think it was on one of my blog posts that I set up that never appeared, lost forever. ...anyway I am rabbiting on.
It is a lovely stamp and I thoroughly enjoyed the time stamping and colouring, so relaxing and lots of me time but then, that is why we go to Peterborough for the weekend of crafting.

A close up of those flowers

And the inside

All it needs is the greeting to write but can I give this away? Perhaps not.
Thanks for having a read of this long post today, I know that Paul and Christiana will visit to make sure they catch up with all the news. Enjoy your Monday and I really do hope that I can catch up with everyone that I havent seen for so long, very soon