I made it into town yesterday, in the cold and the rain but I did just have to nip into Argos to pick up the LAST present. It took longer than I thought it would as everywhere was soooo busy, I had trouble driving into town, took twice as long as normal, car park was packed but I was lucky as someone was just leaving as I arrived and then the queue, but at least its all done now. Then it was home for a cuppa and a warm and to start cleaning my craft room. Well I only got so far as I suddenly remembered that I hadnt finished off the family Christmas cards, trust me. So I spent a couple of hours doing those.
As promised yesterday, here are some more of the wonderful handmade cards that I have received for Christmas this year.

I must tell you about an incident on Saturday which goes to show, you dont get anything unless you ask for it. Paul and I nipped into Debenhams to get a couple of bits. Whilst we were in there Paul saw some boots, a big thick cardi and some other things he liked. As we all know, its difficult finding clothes for men so I thought we were lucky he liked so many items, off to the till we went, queued up and paid for all the stuff, which cost £147.00, but that was with some pressies as well. Paid, down the escalator and on our way out of the store there was a big sign "buy a £50 gift card and get a £10 gift card free" So we thought that if we purchased 3 x £50 gift cards we would get £30 for nothing. As we had just spent nearly £150 could we return the items, buy the gift cards, purchase the items again and get £30 for nothing? strange. Paul said forget it as it was too much trouble but those that know me, know I like a challange and to be honest, £30 would go towards more presents we needed to purchase. So off I went, back up the escalator, back to join the queue at the till and spoke to the sales assistant, luckily it was the same one that just served us.
"excuse me, would it be possible to return all these items (3 bags full), purchase 3 x £50 gift cards, get the 3 x £10 gift cards free and then re purchase my 3 bags full of goodies?" Well that stumped her, she asked another team member who said that I couldnt use the gift cards straight away, which I said was impossible. Then she called the floor manager. By this time, lots of other people were interested to. She asked the manager who said of course you can but dont bother doing a refund, we shall just give you a £30 gift card. Thank you very much.
Yesterday I remembered that I hadn't finished off some family cards, so I did that and here they are

and a bit of a close up. More to show you tomorrow

I managed to get the craft room quite straight, just another half an hour and that will be done, but that will have to wait until later, along with the ironing as this morning I am off to meet a friend for coffee at Little Eaton Garden Centre. The Garden Centers are all decorated lovely at this time of year so I thought I would have a walk round and have a coffee.
Thanks for having a read of this mamouth post today and I hope you have a lovely day.