Good morning, a bit of a lie in but as it is Sunday, its well deserved. Its been a busy week and an enjoyable one. Lots of crafting with friends which really is wonderful. I shall share our makes over the next few days as I hope to have a little more time for myself.
Mum has had an up and a down week and thank you to all those that have asked about her and sent wishes. She has been out a couple of times which is so encouraging but this awful ailment (not sure what else to call it) isnt good. Then she has had a couple of bad days. We have discovered that one of her tablets for her diabetes is the cause of her upset stomach so I will be calling the medical practise on Tuesday to see if we can get in touch with a diabetic nurse. I will keep you posted.
Amazon delivered a package to mum and dads neighbour last week and only wenk and reversed into their metal fence. He then drove off at speed. Someone saw it all and went and gave dad the registration number of the vehicle, which was great. Well it took a good few hours to get the police notified and find contact details for Amazon but I am impressed to say that Amazon were very quick to response not only with an email but they telephoned me too (thought it was a scam to start with). We have sent all photos and paperwork to them by email and waiting to here back.
I was so lucky to receive these beautiful flowers from a friend this week and I cant tell you how it cheered me up. She turned up with a vase full of water and the flowers that she had just picked from her garden in a bag and what a surprise. Thank you so much x
Lots of crafting done this week and I have had a great time. Here are some little treat pouches that I made
They are created with a 4" x 6" piece of designer series paper. I will get some instructions sorted out and share how to make them.
I am placing an order on Tuesday at 12 noon and if you would like anything adding to the order please, do get in touch with me.
Well I had best get on with sorting out a Sunday lunch and get some
ironing done. Thank you so much for having a read and I do hope you
have a smashing Sunday, despite the weather (raining here). Tracey x
Did you know that Stampin' Up! have a wonderful promotion this month,
there is a sale on the kits with some of them having a discount of up to
30%. If you click on the image below, details of the kits will open up
in a new window. If you would like to order a kit or two and dont know
how to, please let me know and I will help you do this or order them for
Dont forget to have a look at the Online Exclusives. These items can not be found in any of the catalogues.
you get yourself a Bonus Day coupon? If you did, its now time to
redeem it (them). Just quote the coupon number to get the discount. If
you have any queries, please do get in touch. My contact details are
a browse through the catalogue? If you click on the image below, you
are able to have a flick through the pages. It will open up in a new
window. If you would prefer a proper paper copy, please pop in to the
Craft Room and pick one up.
Do let me know if you
would like to purchase anything but are not confident in ordering
yourself via the on line shop as I will be very happy to order for you
for delivery to your home address or for collection from me, in Derby.
you fancy having a browse through the Stampin' Up! Shop, and browse
through the new kits and everything else that there is, here is a link,
just click on the image below.
Any queries, please do get in touch
Here are details of where you can get in touch with me. I am also on facebook if that is easier, just send me a message.