Today we have the grandchildren, Rob, Nat, Mum in Law and Christiana for lunch. I am cooking Tava (a Cypriot dish). The pudding is already made and in the fridge. Hopefully the sun will stay shining to make it an even better day.
Here are the eggs YEAH

Our trip into town was very nice yesterday although there were a lot of people. Christiana managed to get something to help her put on her own socks which may not seem like much but to her it was a great big achievement. She has had to get up in a morning, drive to her grandmothers to get her socks put on which isnt too good when it rains. Now she can do it herself. We also ordered something to open cans and something else that will open jars. These little things will make life a bit easier. She also came home with the cutest teacup, teapot, saucer set.
Katerina is having a wonderful time in Barcelona, she has done designer window shopping, the stadium, a couple of churches and a monestary.

Sophia is having a ball in Athens and has done quite a lot of sight seeing, eating Greek kebabs (but they are the best) and been spoilt by her boyfriend buying her a couple of things.
I made quite a few Easter cards and do you know what, I totally forgot all about them, really I did. They are still all ready to be written, oh well, next year.
I hope that you have a lovely day today and that everyone gets to spend a little time with family. Thanks for dropping in to have a read and I am sure that there will be lots of photos tomorrow.