Mondays catch up
New day, new week and another new start on this journey of life. After an absolutely wonderful weekend away with hubby, well I needed it, I feel totally well this monday morning. My cold has gone, no cough and I am fully rested. Legs ache a bit from walking as I dont get to do too much of that and I think I have overdosed on fresh air but hay, that isnt a bad thing.
We have been to Manchester, visiting shops, art museums, Mexican restaurants, Greek Restaurants, coffee shops and I have been hob knobbing with the famous (Fiz from Coro actually came over to me in a tea shop to see how I was OMG).
We travelled by train on Friday afternoon to Manchester and whilst the trains were all held up, it didnt matter. When we on the train we decided to go to the airport to meet Katerina as her plane was delayed and we surprised her. Spent a wonderful evening catching up with all her antics in Athens. Saturday we discovered Manchester and I loved it. Everyone was happy, polite, helpful and I wondered if I had gone to another country? Saturday night we saw the X Factor Show (our 5th one) and it was the best yet in a show. The entertainment value was 100% but it was a little too much "young boys" singing rather than the star but hay, it didnt matter. We returned home yesterday by train and after unpacking, Paul packed again as he has to leave today. It was smashing.
While we were away, look what made an appearance.
There have also been a couple of birthdays, Alysons last week and its Annes today. Wishing them both a happy birthday and I do hope they enjoy their special day.
I shall be catching up today with a few chores and baking as tomorrow is the first of the crafty nights. I have one spare place if anyone would like to join us tomorrow night. Give me a ring on 01332 721877 and I can tell you more about our crafting get togethers. I shall also get round all the fantastic inspiration blogs that I visit and reply to all those precious emails that are sat waiting for me. There is also updating this blog, answering a couple of letters....goodness, I had better get a move on
Thank you for having a read and I hope you have a wonderful day.
I shall be glad when this cold finally goes away. It has left me drained and this is just a cold. It is a good job that I had the flu jab as I dont know if I would have been able to cope with the flu.
Well yesterday I managed to stay awake a little longer than I had been over the previous days. I only went to bed for a couple of hours rather than the whole afternoon. I managed to speak to Christiana, who is in the process of packing her home as she is moving. It is very hard for her as she isnt getting too much help at the moment. I keep thinking, shall I go over, shall I not, mmmm, not too sure.
Sophia is still in Athens with Katerina and lots of friends and they all return home this weekend. Then it will be heads down for a few months whilst they all get ready for exams.
As promised, here is the card that I made for Paul.
Well yesterday I managed to stay awake a little longer than I had been over the previous days. I only went to bed for a couple of hours rather than the whole afternoon. I managed to speak to Christiana, who is in the process of packing her home as she is moving. It is very hard for her as she isnt getting too much help at the moment. I keep thinking, shall I go over, shall I not, mmmm, not too sure.
Sophia is still in Athens with Katerina and lots of friends and they all return home this weekend. Then it will be heads down for a few months whilst they all get ready for exams.
As promised, here is the card that I made for Paul.
Along with this card, I got him some love hearts, do you remember those? I really dont like them, never did
a little box of chocs (which he has already eaten) and a mug. He got me these wonderful chocs more for the box that they came in rather than the chocs.
Right, off to start another day at the office before coming home for another nap. Thank you for having a read and I hope you have a wonderful day.
Midweek Musing - A bit of an epic post
I am afraid that I have been struggling to get on computer for a few days as I am full of cold and it is one of those where your eyes hurt, nose drips like a tap, headache and generally very run down. My voice is not deep and sexy as you would think, it is high pitched and squeeky but never mind, I am sure I will feel better soon. I am managing to do four hours at work each morning but then I am in bed, sleeping the afternoon away, up for a bite to eat and then back to bed again. I will shake it off though, it will not beat me.
Last Thursday was the first meet up of Boulton Lane Baptist Church. There were 5 of us. We made this little card and I am sure at the next get together, which has MENS CARDS theme, we will be a little more organised.
Everyone does need to bring their own crafting items with them as this is really a social event where like minded people get together and make a couple of cards and get to know each other, make new friends etc.
Once I got home, my cold really started, runny nose, achiness and tiredness. I battled into work on Friday and on Friday night, went along to our second Christmas Card and Chatter Club. I got about 8 cards all prepared and I will show you those, once I empty my bags.
We didnt celebrate Valentines on Friday (cause I had already planned on going out) but we did celebrate on Saturday as Paul cooked a wonderful home made soup followed by Spag Boll, his favourite. The weekend was a sleeping one for me, not going out, staying in bed all nice and warm.
I must show you how my flowers are doing, first of all here area all the lovely daffodils that I received last week, they have opened and spread Spring all through the house, wonderful.
There are tiny little white flowers in there, all starting to appear.
This has got sooo big, the flower stem has split into two so there are two flowers on the stem. Not sure if this should be propped up but Paul says no, it can support itself, how exciting.
Thanks for having a read and fingers crossed I will be back to my normal self soon. As soon as I am able, I shall visit blogs, catch up with emails and text messages, apologies for the delays.
Thursdays Post
I cant remember the last time I laughed so much, it certainly is a tonic. This was at Slimmers World last night, had a lovely night. I havent lost any weight this week but the good news is, I didnt put any on either. I must try harder over the next week, now I think I know where I am going wrong.
Goodness me that wind. Yesterday afternoon and last night it was awful in Derby. I am rather frightened of strong wind because when I was younger, we had a chimney that crashed through our roof of our house, it went straight into the spare bedroom. The weight of all the bricks threatened the collapse of the kitchen ceiling. We were home with our Grandad at the time and those sounds always haunt me. So it was no surprise that I was afraid last night. Very thankful that we are all dry and my heart goes out to all those people down in the South of England.
Here is a card that I received
Isnt it a smasher. Thank you so much.
Katerina flew to Athens yesterday (first thing in the morning). She has met up with her twin and lots of their friends for a girly week together. They have all grown up with each other and are all over the world so meeting up should do them all good. I do hope that they have a lovely time. It is a good job she went yesterday, she wouldnt have got to the airport this morning as she gets there by train.
Its the first crafty get together today at St. Boultons, if you fancy making a card or two please feel free to join us from half 1 ish for a couple of hours. I shall be there from 1pm. We are making ladies cards so just bring your bits.
Thanks for having a read and have a safe day
Goodness me that wind. Yesterday afternoon and last night it was awful in Derby. I am rather frightened of strong wind because when I was younger, we had a chimney that crashed through our roof of our house, it went straight into the spare bedroom. The weight of all the bricks threatened the collapse of the kitchen ceiling. We were home with our Grandad at the time and those sounds always haunt me. So it was no surprise that I was afraid last night. Very thankful that we are all dry and my heart goes out to all those people down in the South of England.
Here is a card that I received
Isnt it a smasher. Thank you so much.
Katerina flew to Athens yesterday (first thing in the morning). She has met up with her twin and lots of their friends for a girly week together. They have all grown up with each other and are all over the world so meeting up should do them all good. I do hope that they have a lovely time. It is a good job she went yesterday, she wouldnt have got to the airport this morning as she gets there by train.
Its the first crafty get together today at St. Boultons, if you fancy making a card or two please feel free to join us from half 1 ish for a couple of hours. I shall be there from 1pm. We are making ladies cards so just bring your bits.
Thanks for having a read and have a safe day
Midweek Musing
Yesterday also saw lots and lots of teas and coffees in the afternoon and the evening, cakes were eaten, packages were collected and we all put the world to rights. I received a lovely little bunch of dafs (thank you) and as soon as they open up, I shall be putting a photo on my blog, they certainly remind you that Spring is just round the corner
I also sent off a couple of packages and these were the thank you cards that were enclosed, a couple using the Sewing set from Stampin' Up! that retired some time ago. Still a great set though.

Today it is fat club night followed by cod roe. Mum and Dad might come round and have tea with us, which is usually extremely nice.
Tomorrow it is the first of the Bolton Lane Craft Club get togethers, ladies birthday cards and I am really nervous. I do hope that a few people will come along and join in making cards. All I can do is give it a go. If you are free between 1.30 - 3.30 and would like to make a ladies birthday card or two, please do come along with your crafty bits and have a cuppa and a chat. The cost is £1 per person.
Would you like to find out more about Stampin' Up!, how everything they have all co-ordinates? How all the punches are really easy to use, how you can get products for FREE or how to get yourself invited to a Stampin' Up! party? Just get in touch be either calling me on 01332 721877 or send me an e-mail to as I really am always happy to help, if I can. Have you been busy over the last few weeks but would like to have a get together? I am free this Saturday morning and it would be lovely to meet up. Just give me a call.
Thank you for having a read and I hope you have a great day. Stay dry and safe as you can, the weather forecast for this evening is not too good.
Tuesdays Twitter and Tuesday's at Tracey's
Well it has to be a Merry one as I have my positive head on. In fact, to tell you the truth, since I have reduced the doseage of my tablets, I feel really awake, alive as though the fog has cleared so I am Merry every day now.
Saturday was a lovely day spent with hubs. We went into Derby to get his new glasses and we got a few other bits and pieces. A nice steady walk around and then we went to see the grandchildren.
Sunday was another great day, we sorted and sorted, shreded and shreded and the house has given a great big sign of relief.
Yesterday was my first day back at work and boy was I tired last night. I did manage to do my Law Homework, correct someones English and wow, who has improved. We had the right whether, the correct there's and the correct too's. I was impressed.
So here were are today and FINALLY the last of the Stampin' Up! order is practically here. it is all sorted out and for anyone who cant make today, I can get your goodies distributed over the next couple of days.

Paul had to try the cake. The Cherry Cakes are a receipe taken from a new magazine, which I am in love with. I will tell you more about that another day.
Fancy a cuppa, a crafty chat and who knows, maybe a slice of cake as it is Tuesday at Traceys today and you are most welcome to call in either in the afternoon or the evening. If you need any crafting items , I have a couple of boxes that you are most welcome to rummage through. You can place an order, find out how something works or just sit and join in the conversation. It would be lovely to see you. If you need my address, please let me know.
Thursday BRAND NEW crafting session at the bottom of Bolton Lane (Allenton end, opposite the Brackens) from 1.30 - 3.30. Why not come along with all your bits and pieces and make a birthday card or two? Meet some new friends, have a drink or find out how to make a card. The price is £1 per person donation to the local charity supported by the church. My phone number is 0132 721877 if you would like to find out more. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am not sat there crafting alone.
Friday and it's our second Christmas Card and Chatter Club. I know I wont be alone there. It would be lovely to see you and your friends at St. Edmunds Church Hall, Sinfin Avenue, Shelton Lock from 6.30 - 9ish to make Christmas cards. The price for this is £1.50 per person and it does include refreshments.
For todays TAH DAH

Lots of the in colours, new stamp and punch bundle, Petite Petals and just a few minutes to make. I also used my new favourite stamp, Gorgeous Grunge. Loved making these and I can see that a few will be done in the next few days
Well, I had better get myself off to work, otherwise I will be late, which really wont do. Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful day.
Saturday was a lovely day spent with hubs. We went into Derby to get his new glasses and we got a few other bits and pieces. A nice steady walk around and then we went to see the grandchildren.
Sunday was another great day, we sorted and sorted, shreded and shreded and the house has given a great big sign of relief.
Yesterday was my first day back at work and boy was I tired last night. I did manage to do my Law Homework, correct someones English and wow, who has improved. We had the right whether, the correct there's and the correct too's. I was impressed.
So here were are today and FINALLY the last of the Stampin' Up! order is practically here. it is all sorted out and for anyone who cant make today, I can get your goodies distributed over the next couple of days.

Paul had to try the cake. The Cherry Cakes are a receipe taken from a new magazine, which I am in love with. I will tell you more about that another day.
Fancy a cuppa, a crafty chat and who knows, maybe a slice of cake as it is Tuesday at Traceys today and you are most welcome to call in either in the afternoon or the evening. If you need any crafting items , I have a couple of boxes that you are most welcome to rummage through. You can place an order, find out how something works or just sit and join in the conversation. It would be lovely to see you. If you need my address, please let me know.
Thursday BRAND NEW crafting session at the bottom of Bolton Lane (Allenton end, opposite the Brackens) from 1.30 - 3.30. Why not come along with all your bits and pieces and make a birthday card or two? Meet some new friends, have a drink or find out how to make a card. The price is £1 per person donation to the local charity supported by the church. My phone number is 0132 721877 if you would like to find out more. I am keeping my fingers crossed that I am not sat there crafting alone.
Friday and it's our second Christmas Card and Chatter Club. I know I wont be alone there. It would be lovely to see you and your friends at St. Edmunds Church Hall, Sinfin Avenue, Shelton Lock from 6.30 - 9ish to make Christmas cards. The price for this is £1.50 per person and it does include refreshments.
For todays TAH DAH
Lots of the in colours, new stamp and punch bundle, Petite Petals and just a few minutes to make. I also used my new favourite stamp, Gorgeous Grunge. Loved making these and I can see that a few will be done in the next few days
Well, I had better get myself off to work, otherwise I will be late, which really wont do. Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful day.
Happy Birthday Ruth
Goodness it was the howling of the wind (and I mean howling), that woke me up this morning. The rain is coming down so heavily yikes. My heart really does go out to all those that are suffering with this weather at the moment.
A lot of pottering yesterday which is always good. Not so many dizzy spells and those that I did have, were not for too long, another improvement. I will have to go back to doc next week as blood pressure is not as good as it could be. I will keep you posted. I also managed to chill for an hour in the afternoon and had a coffee with a friend who was in the area, always lovely to have friends round for a cuppa and a sit down.
I sat and made Pauls Valentines card last night as well as started a few anniversary cards that I need over the next few months. My aim is to get all the birthday/anniversary cards done by the end of February then all the stress has gone away and I get lots of hours of fun making the cards without any rush. Anyway, there were three of us sat in my dining room crafting and chatting away. I had a lovely evening and cant wait to do it again.
It's Happy Birthday Ruth today. I do hope you liked your card
Do you know of any good scrapbook books. The ones that give you tips? layouts etc. etc. I have received a gift card and thought I would treat myself but there are 100's books around and wondered if you could help?
Today I dont have any plans apart from a little more pottering and sorting out.
Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful weekend - dont forget your brolly and your wellies. Oh, let me show you Katerinas wellies, I was impressed
A lot of pottering yesterday which is always good. Not so many dizzy spells and those that I did have, were not for too long, another improvement. I will have to go back to doc next week as blood pressure is not as good as it could be. I will keep you posted. I also managed to chill for an hour in the afternoon and had a coffee with a friend who was in the area, always lovely to have friends round for a cuppa and a sit down.
I sat and made Pauls Valentines card last night as well as started a few anniversary cards that I need over the next few months. My aim is to get all the birthday/anniversary cards done by the end of February then all the stress has gone away and I get lots of hours of fun making the cards without any rush. Anyway, there were three of us sat in my dining room crafting and chatting away. I had a lovely evening and cant wait to do it again.
It's Happy Birthday Ruth today. I do hope you liked your card
Do you know of any good scrapbook books. The ones that give you tips? layouts etc. etc. I have received a gift card and thought I would treat myself but there are 100's books around and wondered if you could help?
Today I dont have any plans apart from a little more pottering and sorting out.
Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful weekend - dont forget your brolly and your wellies. Oh, let me show you Katerinas wellies, I was impressed
Friday Feeling
Well the blood tests came back and all is well!! Which means that the
doseage of blood pressure tablets that I have been taking are too high,
one hopes. I am still experiencing dizzy spells but I must admit, not
as much and not for as long. I know I am not quite right but I am sure
that I am heading in the right direction.
Do you remember these photos from my post on 8th January

And then there was this on

Well today, just look how they have grown, wow
I cant wait to see what happens and what they turn out like. Wonderful Christmas presents, thank you. I must remember to buy something similar myself, to give as presents for the next Christmas.
Another ponder over scrapbook pages yesterday and the start of a double layout. I do like the thought that goes into all this. Very relaxing, very rewarding and all done whilst doing other little bits and bobs.

No Derby Dabblers tonight. There are just not enough ladies around/available for this to go ahead, which is a shame as I still have to make Pauls Valentines card. I shall sit and craft the night away anyway. I will certainly miss seeing everyone but I really hope that we can catch up soon.
Well after another wet day yesterday and night last night, I dread to think what the weather will be like today. I think we will all end up with webbed feet. Thank you for having a read and I hope you have a lovely Friday.
Do you remember these photos from my post on 8th January

And then there was this on
Well today, just look how they have grown, wow

I cant wait to see what happens and what they turn out like. Wonderful Christmas presents, thank you. I must remember to buy something similar myself, to give as presents for the next Christmas.
Another ponder over scrapbook pages yesterday and the start of a double layout. I do like the thought that goes into all this. Very relaxing, very rewarding and all done whilst doing other little bits and bobs.

No Derby Dabblers tonight. There are just not enough ladies around/available for this to go ahead, which is a shame as I still have to make Pauls Valentines card. I shall sit and craft the night away anyway. I will certainly miss seeing everyone but I really hope that we can catch up soon.
Well after another wet day yesterday and night last night, I dread to think what the weather will be like today. I think we will all end up with webbed feet. Thank you for having a read and I hope you have a lovely Friday.
Midweek Musing
The weather forecast for Derby is rain all day, as if we haven't had enough. My heart goes out to all those that are flooded with no hope in sight that the rain will stop, so sad.
The MOT on my car runs out on 15th February. A few years ago I was convinced that my MOT was due in February but when I checked, it ran out in September which meant, oh yes, I had been running around for months with no MOT, which I believe, in turn, means no insurance oppps. I never make that mistake now so to be on the safe side, I booked it in for yesterday. Obviously being so unsteady on my feet, I couldnt take it so I knew a man who could and WHOOP WHOOP it passed, just by a whiskar though. It has to go in for a service and a few repairs to the brakes.
Feeling quite a lot better today and hopefully, I should get my blood test results back. My blood pressure is still very low but it has creeped up from Sunday and Monday, a positive sign.
I think I am so very lucky to have some wonderful and amazing friends and on one of my days out with a group of friends we came across a lovely craft shop in Melton Mowbray and now I visit as often as I can. On my very first visit there I saw a scrapbook page and I was bowled over by it. The simplicity of it, the colours and the theme so I said one day, I would like to make that (not being a scrapbooker but a card maker). Well I did make it and here it is
a bit of stenciling going on here to create the numbers
a bit of a close up of the pencil and letters and the die shapes
I didnt take me hours and hours to make and the pleasure I got was immense.Did you know that Stampin' Up! now have
I dont yet have one of these but what a wonderful perfect machine for taking out and about with you.
I had best crack on with my morning of gently pottering and hopefully, not too many dizzy spells. Thanks for having a read and I hope you manage to stay nice and dry.
Tuesdays Twitter
Tuesday and I got through Monday. Off work today and cant go back until I have results from my blood test. Blood pressure still very low but my medication has been halved, just in case it could be that which is causing the light head. Yesterday was rather strange as I had to be really careful what I did, just in case I felt dizzy and I guess that today will be another day the same. It is such a strange feeling and I wouldnt wish it on anyone. I know that in time it will pass.
I have used the chevron ribbon on these cards in Cherry Cobbler and Marina Mist. Buttons are SU and you can give these a slight tint if you use a dauber with ink on it. This is another of those cards that I saw and had to make.
Did you notice the little tags? These were made in seconds with the new punch, as were these, for my Christmas Scrapbook.

Last October we made the scrapbook on our SS weekend away and I have slowly but surely been getting it all finished.

And this is the tin that I keep it in. It isnt completely done but it isnt far off, just a few more words.
Right, off for a shower and then maybe a snooze, I have been up since half past 4 and wont last the day otherwise. Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful Tuesday.
I have used the chevron ribbon on these cards in Cherry Cobbler and Marina Mist. Buttons are SU and you can give these a slight tint if you use a dauber with ink on it. This is another of those cards that I saw and had to make.
Did you notice the little tags? These were made in seconds with the new punch, as were these, for my Christmas Scrapbook.

Last October we made the scrapbook on our SS weekend away and I have slowly but surely been getting it all finished.

And this is the tin that I keep it in. It isnt completely done but it isnt far off, just a few more words.
Right, off for a shower and then maybe a snooze, I have been up since half past 4 and wont last the day otherwise. Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful Tuesday.
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