Today is supposed to be a little cooler with rain later this afternoon, that will save me watering the plants. Mind you, it was supposed to have rained yesterday and we didnt get any.
Lots of quotes coming in about the conservatory windows now. A few of the pains of glass have got broken seals so they are not working as they should be and are rather unsightly so we are going to get them sorted. I am told its a costly job but the quotes are a lot better than anticipated.
Work on the crafty space is progressing well. Cables all in for heating, lighting and plug sockets, so that is a big step forward. Unfortunately I am still not able to make a card but there is lots to keep me busy each day. I am still painting fences, sweeping up outside, de weeding and forever hoovering to get the sawdust up from the hall.
Stampin' Up! have got some new weekly offers.
Oh, I just have to get my hands on that washi tape. If you would like any of these, or anything else for that matter, I shall be placing my next order tomorrow afternoon. Just get in touch and let me know what you would like.
Off to start my morning at work, have a lovely day and thanks for having a read
New bits from Stampin' Up!
Where did yesterday go? I got up extremely early and did all the washing, chores were finished by half 10 and even managed to scrub a great big patio window. When I say scrub, that is exactly what I mean, starting off with Jif, then fairy then warm water, a sqeezy and a dry cloth. They shine now but I still have another 4 windows in living room, back door, a whole conservatory of windows and 2 bathroom ones to clean, never mind, a little bit each day and then I will have to start them all again. I then spent to afternoon chatting away with friends on the decking in the back garden. The time soon whizzed past. We got infested by flying ants, there were 100's of the pesky things. I have never experienced that before, hope we dont get them again today, yaks.
I had a lovely box of goodies last week and in it, for me was these little books. I shall be using mine for my SU wishlist as well as scrapbook pages
You get 2 books for £4.50 from Stampin' Up! 8.9 x 14cm
Did you know that you can now purchase Memento ink (£5.50) and Memento ink refill (£4.50) from Stampin' Up? Well you can. Buy them individually or together.

And what about these cute little pegs, smashing. £5.50 for 20 pegs, all co-ordinating with the In-Colours. I shall be using these on my next open day/sale/launch etc. all rolled into one and it really wont be too long before that happens.

Work is progressing in the Craft Room and I am hoping to be getting the studded wall up today, followed by another 3 walls over the week. I just have to find a new door and 2 windows, very quickly so if you know of anyone getting rid of upvc doors or windows, please let me know.
Its the last call for anyone who would like to join Stamperettes today. There is just one place left if you would like to join us and get your SU goodies bit by bit over the next 10 months. Please give me a ring or send me an email or just call in before 5pm if this is something you would like to know more about, or wish to join.
Another good book that I have just read

If you would like this, let me know.
Right, off to start my day with a little bit of painting, thanks for having a read.
I had a lovely box of goodies last week and in it, for me was these little books. I shall be using mine for my SU wishlist as well as scrapbook pages
You get 2 books for £4.50 from Stampin' Up! 8.9 x 14cm
Did you know that you can now purchase Memento ink (£5.50) and Memento ink refill (£4.50) from Stampin' Up? Well you can. Buy them individually or together.
And what about these cute little pegs, smashing. £5.50 for 20 pegs, all co-ordinating with the In-Colours. I shall be using these on my next open day/sale/launch etc. all rolled into one and it really wont be too long before that happens.

Work is progressing in the Craft Room and I am hoping to be getting the studded wall up today, followed by another 3 walls over the week. I just have to find a new door and 2 windows, very quickly so if you know of anyone getting rid of upvc doors or windows, please let me know.
Its the last call for anyone who would like to join Stamperettes today. There is just one place left if you would like to join us and get your SU goodies bit by bit over the next 10 months. Please give me a ring or send me an email or just call in before 5pm if this is something you would like to know more about, or wish to join.
Another good book that I have just read

If you would like this, let me know.
Right, off to start my day with a little bit of painting, thanks for having a read.
Oh wow, its still so very very hot each day and today, on my day off, its due to be hot hot hot again. I will certainly get all my washing dry but, no iron. Can you believe that it broke? I got it last October and love it. What a dream it has been but, it looks like the electrical cut off didnt cut off meaning, it went bang. And poooooeeee what a smell, yaks. I rang Aldi up, explained we had just moved, cant find reciept and they said, no receipt, no can do. I MUST take proof of payment to them before they can do anything. I do have another iron on its way next Tuesday so until then, its back to the normal iron.
Work is well on its way in the craft room. Timber is being delivered today and Paul is going to build my studded wall, how exciting. So I shall be on tea, sarnie, biccy duty all day, on top of doing all the other little bits but it will be so worth it.
We have started to get quotes to cut down trees. We have a really big one in the front and it must go. The two at the side are staying but the one at the back will be cut down by a third and then we can decided what we want to do with it.
The front is nearly all tided up now, just got to get the jet wash on it, I love doing that. Maybe I could do that today. My little dry garden is coming along, the fences around that need painting and maybe, just maybe I could do that today too.
I de weeded all the little pebbled area around the drive by the garage, that took me two afternoons. I was thinking about planting some flowers in there but, to be honest, I think I will just add some nice new pebbles and leave it. I dont want to make more work for myself do I.
I cut all the overhanging ivy, leaves etc. from the garage area and look what I found, lots and lots of berries, I didnt have the heart to cut those off so I will leave them for a while.
I havent made a card as yet this week but just look at this one I received from Jacqui, isnt it stunning with lots of SU goodies. Thank you
Paul's new lawn mower arrived but you had to build it up!! He spent a good hour or so on it.
Then it was WIZZZZZZ off he went. It is a self propelled one so not too much huffing and puffing to cut all the grass we have. I had a go of course and it more or less ran away with me, such a funny sight.
I have had a lovely delivery of SU goodies and wow, some fantastic little bits and bobs that I shall share with you over the weekend. Fingers crossed, I will just down tools this afternoon and make a card or two. Thanks for having a read, have a great day
Work is well on its way in the craft room. Timber is being delivered today and Paul is going to build my studded wall, how exciting. So I shall be on tea, sarnie, biccy duty all day, on top of doing all the other little bits but it will be so worth it.
We have started to get quotes to cut down trees. We have a really big one in the front and it must go. The two at the side are staying but the one at the back will be cut down by a third and then we can decided what we want to do with it.
The front is nearly all tided up now, just got to get the jet wash on it, I love doing that. Maybe I could do that today. My little dry garden is coming along, the fences around that need painting and maybe, just maybe I could do that today too.
I de weeded all the little pebbled area around the drive by the garage, that took me two afternoons. I was thinking about planting some flowers in there but, to be honest, I think I will just add some nice new pebbles and leave it. I dont want to make more work for myself do I.
I cut all the overhanging ivy, leaves etc. from the garage area and look what I found, lots and lots of berries, I didnt have the heart to cut those off so I will leave them for a while.
I havent made a card as yet this week but just look at this one I received from Jacqui, isnt it stunning with lots of SU goodies. Thank you
Paul's new lawn mower arrived but you had to build it up!! He spent a good hour or so on it.
Then it was WIZZZZZZ off he went. It is a self propelled one so not too much huffing and puffing to cut all the grass we have. I had a go of course and it more or less ran away with me, such a funny sight.
I have had a lovely delivery of SU goodies and wow, some fantastic little bits and bobs that I shall share with you over the weekend. Fingers crossed, I will just down tools this afternoon and make a card or two. Thanks for having a read, have a great day
Tuesdays Twitter
The sun is out again today, great, I may get more washing dried. Its due to be in the mid 20s again, with no rain, lovely, (sorry Jackie, I do hope you are staying cool).
The last 4 days have gone by so quickly. Friday saw us cleaning all the guttering, ready for the storms on Saturday and boy, what storms we had. Although the drains were all clean and clear, no water came through the roof, both Paul and I got drenched. We spent a couple of hours in B&Q, I know, how could we? My feet ached, I was thirsty, I was tired, hot and bothered but Paul, bless him, never says a word when we are in a craft shop so I just couldnt complain to him. He was in his element, we looked at baths, kitchen, got wood, got shelving cut, purchased paint etc. etc. So when we left B&Q Paul said lets walk to Sainsburys and get a few bits we need. Of course said I, pleased to be out in the fresh air, we left the coats and umbrella in the car.....big mistake. When we got our bits from Sainsburys we just stayed under the covering outside for about 20 minutes before making a mad dash for our car, yikes. We got drenched.
Sunday we were back in the garden and trying to tame the plants that are there, 5 bags to the tip and then visitors all afternoon.
All the weeding got done round at the front, it took a couple of days but in the end, it was worth it.
We left a poppy that we found in the ground
And at last, I managed to get a card done, its a start.

Off to get the iron out before I do some more chores outside, have a great day and thanks for having a read.
Ohh nearly forget, day 1 of the craft room, the garage doors have been sealed WHOOP WHOOP it has started.
Books and a good read
Yesterday, after another busy morning at work, I went home to sort out the net curtains. I pinned them up sitting outside in the wonderful sunshine with a cuppa and drat, they were too long. Started again and viola, right length, all I had to do now was find the sewing machine and remember how to use it. I am not very good on the sewing machine because I don't use it often enough. I want to make bags for the grandchildren and Alyson came round once and showed me how to make a wonderful bag and did I make any? No and now I have forgotten how to. Anyway, sewing machine located, switched on and after a few minutes I was off.
I got them finished and Paul put them up, phew.
Mum is making a slow but sure recovery, she is at the caravan at the moment enjoying the sunshine. So, who got caught out in the showers yesterday? I am glad I didn't do my washing.
As I am not crafting I have read a couple of books, both are lovely. If you haven't read these but would like to, how about a swap for a couple of weeks?

I also have this magazine that I won't use, if you would like this, please let me know and I will get it to you.

Off to work for a few hours now and then it's back home to sorting out the bathroom before coffee and a sit down later this afternoon.
Thanks for having a read and have a lovely day
I got them finished and Paul put them up, phew.
Mum is making a slow but sure recovery, she is at the caravan at the moment enjoying the sunshine. So, who got caught out in the showers yesterday? I am glad I didn't do my washing.
As I am not crafting I have read a couple of books, both are lovely. If you haven't read these but would like to, how about a swap for a couple of weeks?

I also have this magazine that I won't use, if you would like this, please let me know and I will get it to you.

Off to work for a few hours now and then it's back home to sorting out the bathroom before coffee and a sit down later this afternoon.
Thanks for having a read and have a lovely day
Midweek Musing
Midweek Musing or should that be midweek moan?
Monday was a lovely day, I seem to be having lots of those, which is good for me. We got a lot more done at home, more boxes emptied, and lots of things put away. The hand rail in the bathroom went up. We decided to put one up to keep us safe until the bathroom gets planned, ripped out and put back again. We arent too sure when that will be.
However, whilst having a coffee with Janet there is a knock on the door. Its new neighbours, how nice. Opps, they have reversed into Janets car!!! Not a lot of damage and how decent of them to come and tell us what they have done. Fingers crossed that Janet can get it sorted without too much hassle.
Then we nipped off to the post office to sort our driving licenses, log books etc. After spending ages on the internet and getting nowhere, the computer said, take originals to post office so we did. Post Office said oh, just fill in the forms and send them off??? so we come home, fill in the forms and now we have to go back to the Post Office to get the correct postage on the envelopes.
Yesterday I went back to work and the day flew by. I did manage to do lots of boring chores (ironing, emptying a few more boxes for a change, even cooked....) and it was an early night as the heat is really making me tired.
Good news, the slug infestation is on the way out oh, didnt I tell you about that. mmm, we have been waking up to lots and lots of slugs in the conservatory but after putting down slug pellets for a few days, this is getting less and less. Didnt find any today but, we have found mice....plural. So all the kitchen got put back in boxes. It has all been washed and put away. We got up to one in the kitchen yesterday morning and lots of droppings today ...ohhhhh.
When we were in Venice I got Paul this very special glass for the bathroom, Paul garggles each day
and then of course I treated myself, to these treats.
Still no crafting for me tut tut but some new weekly deals
My next order is going in this evening 01332 721877 if you would like to add anything to this order. You may have to click on the image to make it bigger.
Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful rest of Wednesday.
Monday was a lovely day, I seem to be having lots of those, which is good for me. We got a lot more done at home, more boxes emptied, and lots of things put away. The hand rail in the bathroom went up. We decided to put one up to keep us safe until the bathroom gets planned, ripped out and put back again. We arent too sure when that will be.
However, whilst having a coffee with Janet there is a knock on the door. Its new neighbours, how nice. Opps, they have reversed into Janets car!!! Not a lot of damage and how decent of them to come and tell us what they have done. Fingers crossed that Janet can get it sorted without too much hassle.
Then we nipped off to the post office to sort our driving licenses, log books etc. After spending ages on the internet and getting nowhere, the computer said, take originals to post office so we did. Post Office said oh, just fill in the forms and send them off??? so we come home, fill in the forms and now we have to go back to the Post Office to get the correct postage on the envelopes.
Yesterday I went back to work and the day flew by. I did manage to do lots of boring chores (ironing, emptying a few more boxes for a change, even cooked....) and it was an early night as the heat is really making me tired.
Good news, the slug infestation is on the way out oh, didnt I tell you about that. mmm, we have been waking up to lots and lots of slugs in the conservatory but after putting down slug pellets for a few days, this is getting less and less. Didnt find any today but, we have found mice....plural. So all the kitchen got put back in boxes. It has all been washed and put away. We got up to one in the kitchen yesterday morning and lots of droppings today ...ohhhhh.
When we were in Venice I got Paul this very special glass for the bathroom, Paul garggles each day
and then of course I treated myself, to these treats.
Still no crafting for me tut tut but some new weekly deals
My next order is going in this evening 01332 721877 if you would like to add anything to this order. You may have to click on the image to make it bigger.
Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful rest of Wednesday.
Monday morning wash
Monday and the sun is shinning, already 19 degrees in my garden so the washer is on, a typcal Monday Wash Day.
Had a lovely day yesterday, sorting, cleaning, cutting but nothing crafty. A lot of shredding was done to try and get the files a bit thinner in the filing cabinet.
No work today but going to have a cuppa with a friend, off to post office to change car log book and driving licenses. Do you know I tried to change these on line, what a farce. I was on the computer for over 20 minutes for it to tell me, now take your originals to the post office and fill in form number xxxx. tut tut.
Paul whipped me out for a quick bite at Blue Jay at lunchtime but I had earned it. We have cut, trimmed and hacked the foliage on our front garden and whilst it is now neat and tidy, we have only just made a little dent in what has to be done. I think its going to be a case of getting rid and starting all over again. I cant tell you how thick the holly, the conifers and all the other plants are in there. I could make use of the space.
We managed to get the blinds up in the bathroom, the study desk (which is in the kitchen) all tidied up and even ebay a few more items before the footy. I personally dont like football so continued with the sorting for a while but then went to join Paul to watch it, only to fall asleep.
I had some lovely flowers last week and as they needed to be cut down a bit (due to the heat), I salvaged these and put them in a small cup, so cute.

We were lucky enough to receive another new home card, which is lovely, thank you George.
Right, I had best get on with the chores, thanks for having a read and have a wonderful day.
Had a lovely day yesterday, sorting, cleaning, cutting but nothing crafty. A lot of shredding was done to try and get the files a bit thinner in the filing cabinet.
No work today but going to have a cuppa with a friend, off to post office to change car log book and driving licenses. Do you know I tried to change these on line, what a farce. I was on the computer for over 20 minutes for it to tell me, now take your originals to the post office and fill in form number xxxx. tut tut.
Paul whipped me out for a quick bite at Blue Jay at lunchtime but I had earned it. We have cut, trimmed and hacked the foliage on our front garden and whilst it is now neat and tidy, we have only just made a little dent in what has to be done. I think its going to be a case of getting rid and starting all over again. I cant tell you how thick the holly, the conifers and all the other plants are in there. I could make use of the space.
We managed to get the blinds up in the bathroom, the study desk (which is in the kitchen) all tidied up and even ebay a few more items before the footy. I personally dont like football so continued with the sorting for a while but then went to join Paul to watch it, only to fall asleep.
I had some lovely flowers last week and as they needed to be cut down a bit (due to the heat), I salvaged these and put them in a small cup, so cute.

We were lucky enough to receive another new home card, which is lovely, thank you George.
Right, I had best get on with the chores, thanks for having a read and have a wonderful day.
Day 12- Sunny Sunday
Sunny Sunday following a scorching Saturday, phew wasnt it hot yesterday? Fortunately Paul has put up the weather station so we can see the temperatures outside and already, at 6.30 am its 19 degrees, wonderful (not for us all though).
I have been really busy the last few day with no time to update the blog. My mum had an op on Wednesday so Thursday I was with her most of the afternoon and evening. Friday we had our Christmas Card and Chatter evening and it was lovely. Sam baked some wonderful brownies and I am hoping to get the recipe. I sat and made 8 toppers for Xmas cards and may just get them finished off today as the kitchen is clear of boxes and I am hoping to be able to grab a couple of hours crafting WHOOP WHOOP. It was also great to catch up with everyone's news. We shall be having another one on the 2nd Friday of August so if you would like to come along, you will be most welcome.
Yesterday was a day for visitors and how wonderful was that, in between all the little jobs we were doing. We had mum and dad for lunch, followed by Aunt and Uncle followed by Rob, Nat and the grandchildren. We didnt get much done at home but hay, we have lots of time to do all that. Aunt gave me the most georgous smelling sweet peas
Stampin' Up! order is going in this evening AGAIN I hear you say, oh yes, AGAIN. If there is anything that you would like to find out about the Stampin' Up! have or if you would like to place an order, do please let me know..
My clever mum has only gone and made another stunning little shrug for the new baby, due in the next couple of weeks,

Wish I could make something this beautiful.
Off to start my day sorting out all the papers on my desk. I am home all day today, cutting hedges, cleaning outside and generally making this wonderful house into a home so if you are local, fancy a cuppa and a chat, please feel free to call round.
I have been really busy the last few day with no time to update the blog. My mum had an op on Wednesday so Thursday I was with her most of the afternoon and evening. Friday we had our Christmas Card and Chatter evening and it was lovely. Sam baked some wonderful brownies and I am hoping to get the recipe. I sat and made 8 toppers for Xmas cards and may just get them finished off today as the kitchen is clear of boxes and I am hoping to be able to grab a couple of hours crafting WHOOP WHOOP. It was also great to catch up with everyone's news. We shall be having another one on the 2nd Friday of August so if you would like to come along, you will be most welcome.
Yesterday was a day for visitors and how wonderful was that, in between all the little jobs we were doing. We had mum and dad for lunch, followed by Aunt and Uncle followed by Rob, Nat and the grandchildren. We didnt get much done at home but hay, we have lots of time to do all that. Aunt gave me the most georgous smelling sweet peas
She has also told me that if I want to grab some more I just have to go and get some as she has lots in her garden. ohhh, I think I will be a constant visitor.
I found this wonderful butterfly stuck behind the net curtains in my bedroom. We soon let it out.
Stampin' Up! order is going in this evening AGAIN I hear you say, oh yes, AGAIN. If there is anything that you would like to find out about the Stampin' Up! have or if you would like to place an order, do please let me know..
My clever mum has only gone and made another stunning little shrug for the new baby, due in the next couple of weeks,
Wish I could make something this beautiful.
Off to start my day sorting out all the papers on my desk. I am home all day today, cutting hedges, cleaning outside and generally making this wonderful house into a home so if you are local, fancy a cuppa and a chat, please feel free to call round.
Day 9 - my weekend begins today
Today is my Friday, I know its Thursday but I am breaking up for a lovely long weekend.
Yesterday I managed to get all my ironing done so the basket is empty again, well impressed with myself. Still no cooking done though tut tut. I did spend an hour sat in the garden having a cuppa and a read of my back....bliss
No plans this afternoon except to nip and visit mum. She had an operation on her shoulder yesterday so I want to go and say hello and take some flowers to her too. Not a nice operation.
How about this for a hand made card, thank you so much P.Ann. A lot of work has gone into this and its really appreciated x
I am really looking forward to sorting out my crafting bags tonight as its the Christmas Card Club tomorrow night. I have already made quite a stack of Christmas cards but its a great evening of sitting there, chatting away, catching up with everyones news and a bonus to make the cards.
Thanks for having a read today and I hope your have a lovely day, whatever you are up to.
Midweek Musing and what a lovely week so far. I only have one more day at work this week as I have decided to take a long weekend off, to do some more sorting out at home. Paul will be off too and we hope to get a lot more boxes emptied.
After a mad dash into Ashby de la Zouch yesterday, we got absolutely drenched in the storm...those in Derby may say what storm grrrr. My coat was dripping, paul was so wet it went through his coat and through his shirt, I really dont remember the last time we got drenched. Never mind, we got back to Derby and dried out.
Lots more boxes emptied, YEAH. The kitchen is starting to look like a kitchen and not a storage unit and I hope that by the end of today, it will be even better. I got the nets up in the bedroom and 3 big boxes of car boot stuff. Now I was the one who said I dont have anything to get rid of but where have all these glasses come from? what about cheese boards, dishes, candle holders? yikes.
Just look at all these wonderful cards I have had recently, I am so lucky
Thank you ladies and gents.
Do you ever run out pens? could you do with a few more? I have stacks and stacks of them and I dont even know where they have come from. Just let me know if I can bring you a few next time we get together.
Boxes? I have lots of small boxes all ready to give away. I was looking for these for months so, if you need any in the next week or so, please let me know before we send them for recycling.
I am starting my next list for SU this weekend and just look what we have on the weekly deals today.
If you would like any of the above, just let me know.
Its Christmas card club on Friday night. A few ladies will be there, unfortunately, I still cant bake so it will be shop purchased cakes this week. If you fancy coming along, we are at St. Edmunds Church on Sinfin Avenue, Shelton Lock, Derby from 6.30pm. The cost is £2 per person which covers the room hire and drinks etc. It would be lovely to see you there, even if you havent been before. The more the merrier and, you get to make a start on those Christmas cards.
Thanks for having a read and I promise to answer emails, face book messages and everything else later this afternoon. If you need help with anything for Stampin' Up! please please please do get in touch.
After a mad dash into Ashby de la Zouch yesterday, we got absolutely drenched in the storm...those in Derby may say what storm grrrr. My coat was dripping, paul was so wet it went through his coat and through his shirt, I really dont remember the last time we got drenched. Never mind, we got back to Derby and dried out.
Lots more boxes emptied, YEAH. The kitchen is starting to look like a kitchen and not a storage unit and I hope that by the end of today, it will be even better. I got the nets up in the bedroom and 3 big boxes of car boot stuff. Now I was the one who said I dont have anything to get rid of but where have all these glasses come from? what about cheese boards, dishes, candle holders? yikes.
Just look at all these wonderful cards I have had recently, I am so lucky
Thank you ladies and gents.
Do you ever run out pens? could you do with a few more? I have stacks and stacks of them and I dont even know where they have come from. Just let me know if I can bring you a few next time we get together.
Boxes? I have lots of small boxes all ready to give away. I was looking for these for months so, if you need any in the next week or so, please let me know before we send them for recycling.
I am starting my next list for SU this weekend and just look what we have on the weekly deals today.
If you would like any of the above, just let me know.
Its Christmas card club on Friday night. A few ladies will be there, unfortunately, I still cant bake so it will be shop purchased cakes this week. If you fancy coming along, we are at St. Edmunds Church on Sinfin Avenue, Shelton Lock, Derby from 6.30pm. The cost is £2 per person which covers the room hire and drinks etc. It would be lovely to see you there, even if you havent been before. The more the merrier and, you get to make a start on those Christmas cards.
Thanks for having a read and I promise to answer emails, face book messages and everything else later this afternoon. If you need help with anything for Stampin' Up! please please please do get in touch.
Tuesdays Twitter
Tuesdays twitter and what a lovely day yesterday was and today is going to be.
I had a really nice morning at work and as I was so busy, the time just flew by. Once home Paul had lunch ready (birds ham salad cob) and we began sorting out some more boxes. The idea is to get all the boxes in the kitchen emptied and put away. Then when work commences on the new craft shack/craft shed/craft retreat/or what would you call it? well, when work starts in there, I will bring in the bits from the garage, back to the kitchen. When the crafty space is all kitted out, then the spare room will be emptied into the crafty room, the things in the kitchen can go in the spare room and so can my clothes, leaving the conservatory free, well, that is the plan.
On my way home from work yesterday I thought "I must check the smoke alarms" I got in to the house and imagine my surprise to discover that there were no smoke alarms in the building, non at all, oh no. I rang the local fire station and this wonderful lady answered the phone and she knew me *giggling*. It was so nice to hear a familiar voice and to be pointed in the right direction. Thank you so much Alison. Anyway, I got a visit just a couple of hours later from the fire brigade and the chappie did a full assessment of the bungalow, told us lots of interesting and useful information. We thanked him and then he did no more than install two smoke alarms, all free of charge, how amazing is that?
We had a lovely visit from Ruth at the same time as the fireman and she came armed with cake, card and flowers, thank you so much so, what did we all do? Sat in the garden for an hour chatting away, looking through the Stampin' Up! book and discussing this and that over tea....
A little later on, Paul and I decided it was time to do a little trimming of the hedge on the front as its catching people in the face when they walk past and we dont want that. It looked lovely when we finished, oh it needs a good cut but we shall do that another day. Then Bro in Law came round with the lawn mower but as the heavens opened, we shall leave the lawn until another day.
Guess what I found? oh yes, I can start to cook again, as from tonight as I have no excuse at all now.
My next Stampin' Up! order will be placed on Sunday morning so, if there is something you need, let me know and I shall add it to the order (p+p 50p) or you can have a delivery to your own home, anytime.
Off to do another few hours at work before coming back to empty more boxes. Have a lovely day and thanks for having a read
I had a really nice morning at work and as I was so busy, the time just flew by. Once home Paul had lunch ready (birds ham salad cob) and we began sorting out some more boxes. The idea is to get all the boxes in the kitchen emptied and put away. Then when work commences on the new craft shack/craft shed/craft retreat/or what would you call it? well, when work starts in there, I will bring in the bits from the garage, back to the kitchen. When the crafty space is all kitted out, then the spare room will be emptied into the crafty room, the things in the kitchen can go in the spare room and so can my clothes, leaving the conservatory free, well, that is the plan.
On my way home from work yesterday I thought "I must check the smoke alarms" I got in to the house and imagine my surprise to discover that there were no smoke alarms in the building, non at all, oh no. I rang the local fire station and this wonderful lady answered the phone and she knew me *giggling*. It was so nice to hear a familiar voice and to be pointed in the right direction. Thank you so much Alison. Anyway, I got a visit just a couple of hours later from the fire brigade and the chappie did a full assessment of the bungalow, told us lots of interesting and useful information. We thanked him and then he did no more than install two smoke alarms, all free of charge, how amazing is that?
We had a lovely visit from Ruth at the same time as the fireman and she came armed with cake, card and flowers, thank you so much so, what did we all do? Sat in the garden for an hour chatting away, looking through the Stampin' Up! book and discussing this and that over tea....
A little later on, Paul and I decided it was time to do a little trimming of the hedge on the front as its catching people in the face when they walk past and we dont want that. It looked lovely when we finished, oh it needs a good cut but we shall do that another day. Then Bro in Law came round with the lawn mower but as the heavens opened, we shall leave the lawn until another day.
Guess what I found? oh yes, I can start to cook again, as from tonight as I have no excuse at all now.
My next Stampin' Up! order will be placed on Sunday morning so, if there is something you need, let me know and I shall add it to the order (p+p 50p) or you can have a delivery to your own home, anytime.
Off to do another few hours at work before coming back to empty more boxes. Have a lovely day and thanks for having a read
Day 6 - Back to work
Monday and off to work for a few hours before coming home to more sorting out. I intend finding my saucepans today, by hook or by crook.

The good news is that we complete the sale on our old house today, wow. Its all coming together in the end.
When we moved into our new house we found
Thank you so much Alison for your lovely handmade card but you should have knocked at the door..... kettle is always on. Next time you are in the area, just knock on the door, I would say ring the bell but we dont have one, yet.

We went out for late lunch yesterday as we spent a few hours cleaning the old house. We also picked up nets from Dunelm as well as a bathroom blind. I hope to get these up over the next couple of days, goodness, I thought I was busy before but I dont know what is happening on TV, radio, news or anything but sometimes, that isnt a bad thing. I must say that it does feel as though we are on holiday, how strange.
I best get a wiggle on as I dont want to be late at work. Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful day.
The good news is that we complete the sale on our old house today, wow. Its all coming together in the end.
When we moved into our new house we found
- brown bin full of rabbit mess, rabbit food and straw - brown bin, the one that doesnt get emptied unless you pay for it
- rubbish, metal, pipes, lines all thrown down the side of the garage
- old hanging baskets, tiles and carpets down the side of the shed
- lots of old bricks and goodness knows what else by the back gate
- old grass cuttings, in massive piles round the side of the house etc. etc. etc.
Thank you so much Alison for your lovely handmade card but you should have knocked at the door..... kettle is always on. Next time you are in the area, just knock on the door, I would say ring the bell but we dont have one, yet.

We went out for late lunch yesterday as we spent a few hours cleaning the old house. We also picked up nets from Dunelm as well as a bathroom blind. I hope to get these up over the next couple of days, goodness, I thought I was busy before but I dont know what is happening on TV, radio, news or anything but sometimes, that isnt a bad thing. I must say that it does feel as though we are on holiday, how strange.
I best get a wiggle on as I dont want to be late at work. Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful day.
Day 5 - Showery Sunday
So yesterday we managed to get rid of all the boxes in the bedroom, phew that was a task and a half. I think I know where everything is but having gone from fitted floor to ceiling wardrobes to clothes rail hangers in the conservatory, a chest of drawers in the hall and a small wardrobe in the bedroom, things are certainly spread out a bit. It will be put right eventually I just have to be a little patient as I know it will be worth it in the end. I dont know which bedroom out of the two I want to use for us.

The second bedroom at the moment is full of crafting items and until the garage has been transformed, I cant move the things out and unpack.

Still not found the saucepans so I still cant cook.
We also manged 2 hours cleaning at the empty house yesterday, packing a load into the car to bring back, it all ended up in garage (soon to be craft space) as well as lots of visitors so sitting on the deck drinking tea....well the sun eventually came out and it seemed a shame not to enjoy it.
Paul did a grand job of cleaning out the dishwasher - I cant describe what it was like before but it took him about an hour with all the inerds in the sink, a knife, jif, fairy and a scouring pad YAKS. So we put it on yesterday to give our few pots a wash and to see how long it takes. After about half an hour I noticed all these soap suds on the kitchen floor and Paul said "do you know, I did wonder if I had cleaned out all the fairy liquid from the bottom of the dishwasher or not" now we knew
Amy, our 9 year old grand daughter had her birthday last Thursday but Nana had to buy a card, yikes. Mind you, there are some lovely ones out there now and it took me just as long to pick a card as it does to make one, anyway. For her birthday party she and a few friends went off to a recording studio and made a cd. Wow, how wonderful and a great idea. We heard it yesterday, the CD that is, and its smashing. Lovely idea so for my next birthday.......joking.
I am missing crafting and have withdrawal doubt about it. I think I know the Stampin' Up! Catalogue inside out and my copy is already looking very used.
My mum is always knitting, she loves it and this is her latest creation.

My neice is having her second child very soon and this is a baby blanket which has taken a lot of hard work, I think its wonderful and deserves a mention on the blog, what do you think.
I am hoping Paul will get to sort out all the gubbings to download photos onto the computer for me today, inbetween, going out to find some net curtains, lunch out, picking up the last of the bits from old house and trying to empty boxes in the kitchen.
Here is a photo I managed to get of one of the robins that visit, I think it will take a few months before I can get one of these eating out my hand but I shall try.

Thanks for having a read and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
The second bedroom at the moment is full of crafting items and until the garage has been transformed, I cant move the things out and unpack.
Still not found the saucepans so I still cant cook.
We also manged 2 hours cleaning at the empty house yesterday, packing a load into the car to bring back, it all ended up in garage (soon to be craft space) as well as lots of visitors so sitting on the deck drinking tea....well the sun eventually came out and it seemed a shame not to enjoy it.
Paul did a grand job of cleaning out the dishwasher - I cant describe what it was like before but it took him about an hour with all the inerds in the sink, a knife, jif, fairy and a scouring pad YAKS. So we put it on yesterday to give our few pots a wash and to see how long it takes. After about half an hour I noticed all these soap suds on the kitchen floor and Paul said "do you know, I did wonder if I had cleaned out all the fairy liquid from the bottom of the dishwasher or not" now we knew
Amy, our 9 year old grand daughter had her birthday last Thursday but Nana had to buy a card, yikes. Mind you, there are some lovely ones out there now and it took me just as long to pick a card as it does to make one, anyway. For her birthday party she and a few friends went off to a recording studio and made a cd. Wow, how wonderful and a great idea. We heard it yesterday, the CD that is, and its smashing. Lovely idea so for my next birthday.......joking.
I am missing crafting and have withdrawal doubt about it. I think I know the Stampin' Up! Catalogue inside out and my copy is already looking very used.
My mum is always knitting, she loves it and this is her latest creation.

My neice is having her second child very soon and this is a baby blanket which has taken a lot of hard work, I think its wonderful and deserves a mention on the blog, what do you think.
I am hoping Paul will get to sort out all the gubbings to download photos onto the computer for me today, inbetween, going out to find some net curtains, lunch out, picking up the last of the bits from old house and trying to empty boxes in the kitchen.
Here is a photo I managed to get of one of the robins that visit, I think it will take a few months before I can get one of these eating out my hand but I shall try.
Thanks for having a read and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday.
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