Not enough hours in the day to do it all so the blog is getting a little behind, hope that you dont mind too much.
This is Katerina |
I am in the middle of getting bits and pieces ready for Katerina. She is in Cyprus at the minute but will be coming back to Preston uni at the beginning of September. She has organised a new flat for this year so Paul and I are off to Preston this weekend to get it all set up for her. When I say set up I mean dump all the things she dumped with me (boxes and boxes of them). I will make up her bed cause I know she wont get in till very early hours of the morning. I guess I will give it a good clean as well. I have already washed, dried and ironed all of her clothes that she left here, such a spoilt child, but I love doing things for her.
Paul and I will have been married a year on Monday. Can you believe a whole year has passed us by, I cant and can you believe that I still dont have my wedding photos? There is a little story behind the photographs. We had to pick just 30 from about 500 which was tough, but we did it. We wanted them in a certain sequence, as you do. We gave the photographer a copy of the sequence and the lady who did the photos didnt get a copy of this. She put our photos is another order??? in the last of the photo albums (he isnt doing these any more) and told me that if she changes them around she will ruin the album. Okay I said, I will find my own. I went into town and found a lovely album from Marks, I was so pleased with it. Before I took it to the photographers, I showed Paul and that is where we noticed that the decoration on the front of the album, was upside down.
Back into town, back for another album, back home.....pages torn. Back into town, back for another album, checked it with the assistant, we had a laugh about me changing albums again, back home, showed Paul and what I didnt see from inside the album was that the spine, on the outside, was broken but the sales assisnt in Marks would have seen this.
Oh yes, I went back again, as nice as pie and explained what had happened. I got a totally different album. The sales assistant couldn't believe all the hassle I had had, which wasnt her personal fault. Another sales assistant went to see the albums that were on the shop floor and can you believe, the ones I took back previously, were there for sale??? Anyway, Marks and Spencer refunded the total cost of my album and gave it to me as a wedding present, how lovely was that?
I am also in the middle of making an Anniversary card for Paul, just run out of time at the end of each day.
STAMPIN' UP! ORDERS ARE HERE yes, I have lots of orders here at home for lots of people. I would be great if I could get all of these distributed by the weekend. If you have something that you would like to collect please get in touch so the we can arrange a get together. Speaking of which, got a couple of get togethers coming up this week, ohh, how I love those.
Well thanks for having a read, hope you have a lovely afternoon and evening and I shall be back with some cards as soon as I can