Some good news, Christiana has received the chicks that I made and here they are, on her everything tree. Yes she has an everything tree too.
She is off to the shop to buy some yellow ribbon and some yellow eggs to finish off the decorating.
The girls all went out Sunday night together and here they are, a rare photograph of the three of them together.
They had a lovely time and I just adore listening to their tales.
Today is the very last day of sale a bration. All my orders have been submitted but we can get your goodies delivered direct to your door. Let me know if you need any help.
Just look at this wonderful egg that I have been given, which is on my everything tree
Thank you so much Diane its beautiful and it is hanging on my tree, taking pride of place. I am not sure if any of my family will be in Derby over the Easter period so it could be Easter with just Paul and I and I know where he will be. His man cave is coming on a treat. The insulation has been done, the plaster boards are all up and he has cleaned it all out. It feels a lot more cosy now. The flooring should be delivered today and then its a case of putting up the lining paper. I guess over Easter, I shall be painting walls.
I have been having a practise on making my little flowers for a crafty session that I have in a week or sos time.

We are making a frame next week and this is something new for me in the crafty space. Fingers crossed it will all go well.
Well I had best get a wiggle on cause the electrician is coming today to move some boxes and bits that are in the bathroom......long story.
Thanks for having a read and, if you would like my newsletter which will go out later tonight, just let me know. It will tell you what is happening and when. Have a great day.