
another hostelry

another hostelry and another internet connection. Here I am (not a brilliant picture of me but hay, who cares I am on my hols). The drink this time was a cypriot version of a snowball, I really needed it to cool me down...honest.

Still having a good time and still chilling. We went to bingo a couple of times last week and we won a couple of times.

Thanks for having a read and I will update again when I can find another decent internet connection (and a decent cocktail).



chris said...

Hope you are having a good time, it looks that way,
hugs chris xx

anndees said...

You look lovely here Tracey and I love that top you're wearing, so you.
Anne x

Jayne W said...

Ave one for me!!

Jackie said...

Morning Tracey, what's wrong with the photograph? You look great :o)
Jackie xx