
Anne made these

Good morning from a quite mild Derby. I have been looking for cards to share with you that you havent seen before and here are a couple of cards that Anne made, arent they lovely. She did these a few months ago for one of the events we attended, I think it was the papermax show.

Do you remember the lovely little plant that Anne gave me ohh way back before Christmas? She told me that the flowers would last for 21 days. Well it lasted longer than that but it was such a cute little thing I decided to keep it on the kitchen window sill and water it. It has remained green for weeks and I have had to remove a few leaves that died. My efforts have paid off because look what is just peeping through.

Not the best of photos but in the middle of all that greenery are a few white buds sticking through.

I have been told that Christiana is returning to her craft room today YEAH. After a week spent in the hospital and a week at home recovering today will be her first day to make some cards. We shall have to figure out a way of putting some pictures of her cards onto the blog so that I can share them with you.

Thanks for having a read and have a lovely day.

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