
Happy Birthday Christiana

Good morning and another start to another week.  This week starts with a birthday for an amazing daughter.  Christiana is 28 years old today and she is one of the bravest people I know.  She copes each day with an illness by getting on with life.  She is such a wonderful daughter (one of my three wonderful daughters).  Here are some cards that she will be opening, today,  the first from mummy and Paul

and a few close ups, just so that you can see the detail

A photo of the insert of the card

And the envelope of course

I wish I had had the envelope liners before I went away as I would have loved to have a matching envelope liner as the card, getting a bit picky now arent I.

Here is a sample of the wrapping paper I found in Cyprus, I wrapped all her presents up in it

We are going to chat on Skype and she will open her pressies, bless.

Here are the last two cards for today, from the twins

I am meeting up with a friend this afternoon for a coffee after work and a catch up as we havent seen each other for months, really looking forward to that but first of to work I go.

Have a lovely day, I hope that all is well in your world and hugs, if it isnt.  Thanks for having a read and more updates tomorrow

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Good morning Tracey, what a wonderful set of cards for Christiana, I especially love the one from you and Paul :o)
Once again I am playing catchup!
Jackie xx