
Thursdays Christmas Bits

A frosty morning was forecast for today but it looks quite mild out there.  The temperature is over 8 degrees, I think someone got it wrong.

I had my flu jab on Tuesday.  I didnt know I was going to have one, the doc just said oh, while you are here, would you like the flu jab because if there is an epidemic, you will be protected.  Of course I said yes, especially with Christiana coming over.  I dont want to give her the flu but goodness me, my arm is like a balloon, bright red and painful,

Thankfully it is Thursday and after today, there is just one more day at work, phew.  We have a busy weekend of decorating so, if you fancy putting on your overalls and giving a hand, you really are welcome.

Last night I lost another 1 and 1/2lbs, way to go.  My sister, Diane , won the Miss Slinky Award and I am so proud of her.  She has lost 2 and half stone but, she is always there for everyone, helping them out.  She deserved the award and I have told her. 

Tonight I am off to meet up with some crafty friends to make a couple of cards for a couple of hours, its always nice to do that. I shall be leaving Paul with the plaster yikes.

Here is todays Christmas card, a little different but loved making this one
 And another little tag, I really am loving the kits that I am using up.  All making a little more space in the craft room.
Well thank you for having a read today and I hope you have a great day.

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