
The Coco-Cola Lorry and Tah Dah

Whoop whoop, it's Friday and a Happy Birthday to my neices (that is nephews daughters) Lilly-Mae and Elianne as they are 11 today.  Can you believe that I didnt take photos of their cards??? how bad am I but, I do have enough on my plate so I can be let off, this once.

The washing machine is playing up, I put it on yesterday and it sounds like a jet engine about to take off, honestly.  I managed to get a load done but I dont know how many other loads will get done.  I really cant get a new machine before Christmas, I will just have to visit family and friends....with a laundry bag. I am waiting for a new freezer, just what I wanted for Christmas, snigger.

So yesterday "I broke the back of it" which is a rough translation from Greek to English meaning that most of it is now done ready for santa and all the other visitors but, I have lost a Christmas card.  I dont know if I have put it in an envelope and addressed it to someone else, if I have thrown it away or if it has just vanished so I have to remake it today.

Also yesterday I went and got rid of some cobwebs in the town center (in the rain) and saw the Coca Cola Lorry, it was lovely as there is a little craft market there too.  A nice wander around

Here is a TAH DAH for today

 Which turns into this

 Isnt it wonderful?  Something else I received from the Convention, oh yes, there is still tons of stuff to show you, I really was very lucky.

Thank you for having a read, have a wonderful Friday and I hope you manage to stay dry.  The forecast for today is rain.

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