Yesterday I went and sorted out my telephone which had been playing up. I kept getting a messge Invalid SIM, I couldnt make calls nor receive them, the same with messages. A very nice young man in the shop really helped, he was extremely polite, made loads of calls to his head office and in the end, changed my SIM card. I went to pay him as he had already said it would be £10 and he said no, I dont want payment, have a happy easter. How wonderful.
I had coffee with a friend in the morning, did more packing in the afternoon, a bit of food shopping and some accounts but sadly, I didnt start my baking due to lots and lots of visitors and phone calls. So today I will just plod though all the bits I need to do.
This weeks Weekly Deals are below:
If there is anything here you would like to purchase, please do let me know. There will be a 50p p+p charge unless you would like the items delivered straight to your home, which is £4.99. A couple of things have already landed in my basket, opps. I really cant resist a bargain.
The last of the chicks are ready and will be leaving the craft room today, I have made these for the grandchildren and for the big children in Preston.
The same goes for the Marks and Spencer Easter Chocolate Bars, all wrapped and ready to go.
I have loved making these, something very different from what I normally do,
Onwards and upwards as Paul says. Have a wonderful Saturday x
1 comment:
Good morning Tracey, what a busy lady you are. Sounds like you are having a wonderful Easter, I will be working this evening and Monday afternoon!
What a lovely selection of chocolate presents :o)
Jackie xx
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