

Home, phew.  We had a wonderful time and I can certainly recommend a 3 part holiday again.  The first week with Rob, Nat and the grandchildren, the second week with Christiana and the third and a bit week in a house where everyone comes to visit, to stay, to cook, to swim, to eat.  Wonderful.

But what about our return, we hear that Derby is now called Derbados ha ha ha.  It is certainly very hot. It was hotter here in Derby last night than it was in Larnaca.  Not sure how long it is going to last for though.

So today is a very late start but we have already done so much, unpacked, been for blood tests, weekly shop, cooked lunch and had visitors.  This afternoon is the dreaded washing and putting stuff away.

I did manage to make a few cards on holiday, this being one of them.

Best get a move on, still got 101 things to do.  Thanks for having a read x

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