
Happy Easter

Good morning and what a lovely morning it is.  The weather here is Derby is stunning, warm, a slight breeze and just like the start of a perfect Summer day.  So far the weather this Easter weekend has been smashing.

Happy Easter to everyone.  I am guilty of not making cards this year but I think I will be forgiven.  I did however receive these wonderful ones.

I had  'operation house' on Friday meaning that the house got sorted and cleaned plus the washing and the ironing got done.   It was a sad day as I didnt get to buy a button easter egg for Christiana, keeping occupied helped.

We had a lovely crafty get together on Thrusday evening and yesterday morning.  Thank you to everyone that came along.  

Pens..... we have so many pens in this house that I have started giving them away.  Imagine my suprise when I am sorting today and come across an addition 30+ pens and I dont know where they have come from, am I a secret pen thief??  Where else can I get them all from.  If you need a pen or two please dont buy them, just ask me for some.

Today is back to more fence painting and I shall have an afternoon in the craft room. I hope you have a wonderful day and dont eat too many chocolate eggs.  Tracey x

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