



Good morning, how are you enjoying the lovely weather?  I do know that not everyone likes the heat.  Personally I like the sun being out especially when we can get the gardens looking nice but not too hot that I am looking for cool places to sit.  The problem I have is trying to find the time to sit out and enjoy it. Hopefully today we will.

It has been a wonderful but busy week, arent they all.  I have spent some amazing time crafting with friends and we have made some lovely cards but today I am taking the time to catch up with myself and get things organised for a busy week ahead, slowly.

At the get together last sunday, quite a few folk said they were getting confused about where to find details of all the dies as they were not in one place at the back of the catalogue as previous years so, I have spent the time to add another section to my blog where you can find all the dies that SU have available at the moment.  This doesn't include the clearance items as these se out so quickly so you will have to look at that seperately but to help, I have added a little button below.  

We have a Kit Night once a month and on Friday we got together with our kits.  We had a brilliant night.  If you would like to come to the next one it will be on June 7th, just let me know in advance should you wish to purchase a kit.

Jan is a very talented at knitting, sewing and lots of other hobbies but this was the first time she had sat down and made cards on her own and wow, she did so well.  I do hope she doesnt mind me sharing her photo on my blog

If you would like to see what kits Stampin' Up! have available, just click on the picture below and a new page will open up.  I shall be very happy to order one for you or you are most welcome to order one to be delivered direct to you.

Have you managed to get your hands on a new 2024-2025 Stampin' Up! catalogue?  If you havent you are most welcome to pop into the Craft Room, Derby and pick one up but in the meantime, have a browse through the one below. Then get in touch so we can arrange for you to get a proper copy if you would like one.

 Well I had best go and make a start on my day.  Dont forget that if you dont already have a demonstrator helping you, I would be very happy to offer any assistance that I can.  Thank you so much for having a read.  Tracey x

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