
Sweet Peas and Eden's Garden


Good morning.  I had a day off yesterday and hubby and I caught up with a few things that needed collecting.  We had the whole day out of the house and boy do I feel better for it.  You cant beat a bit of fresh air and a change of scenery.

Our famous English celebrity gardener, Monty Don, mentioned a few weeks ago that we should be planting our sweet pea seeds.  Well we would if we could but during out time away, the sweet peas got a bit unruly and they were chopped down and put in the bin.  So we didnt have any seeds but then we got a gardening magazine (or two) given us and whoop whoop, it had some sweet pea seeds.  Off we went (the royal WE) and the seeds got planted.  I can honestly say that we have never planted these so early before.


Well something is working, I just hope we can keep them going through the winter, any tips welcome.

Have you seen the Eden's Garden Suite from Stampin' Up!  Well I have had it a while and just not got round to playing with it, until recently.  Here is a card that has been made using some of the designer series paper, co-ordinating card and ribbon, a couple of dies and gems.  I really like the simplicity of this and hope you do too. 

Full details of what has been used is below.  You can click on the images as it will take you straight to the on line shop to find out a little more about each product.

So the Seasonal Sale has started. If you would like to order anything from the sale of something that maybe isnt on offer, please do get in touch with me and I can order it to come direct to The Craft Room, Derby.  Alternatively, you can order it online for delivery to your home.  Please click on the image below which will take you straight into the store.  If you have any queries at all please do get in touch with me as I really am very happy to help.


Thank you for having a read today.  Tracey x

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