
DAY SIXTY NINE - Sharing my weekend


Good morning and here we are again, another Monday morning.  After the weekend that I have just had I feel totally refreshed and I am looking forward to a day at home sorting out, decluttering and re-organising, a great way to start the week.

So Friday night we had our monthly Festive Friday.

There were lots of us and the chatter was flowing.  We were all extremely creative and working our way to a stress free Christmas 2026.

Saturday I went on this amazing cake class.  I learnt how to make a wonderful sponge cake and then decorated it. 

 The taste was amazing and we finished them all off yesterday.  Oh yes, I had another get together yesterday.  It was a Time Out day.  A whole day to do what we wanted.  We crafted the morning away, had an amazing lunch outside in the sunshine and then crafted all afternoon.  There were some wonderful creations made.


I am not too sure how a reel with look on my blog but I thought I would give it a go.  Do let me know what you think.

Online Exclusives, so much to choose from now.  Have you seen another stamp that will compliment what you already have, another background one for any and all projects.  It is called Painted Stripes.  It does look like a watercoloured image and the bonus of doing it in any colour you wish is wonderful.  If you click on the image below it will give you more details. 

I cant wait to have a play with mine and I shall share my creations with you.  

Thank you so much for having a read today.  Do leave a comment, if you can, I love to read them.   Tracey x

Stampin' Up! News and Offers

If you click on the Annual Catalogue brochure below, it will open up in a new page for you to have a browse through. 
Here is the latest Scrapbooking Brochure that was released in January.  At the moment it is only a digital brochure.  


Here is the original Scrapbooking Brochure that you can have a flick through

Here is the Mini Catalogue that was released in January and it has so much inspiration inside.

Should you place an online order during the month of March 2025 please do add the Hostess code below and I shall send you a little thank you in April.  If you need help to place an order, do get in touch with me, my contact details are at the end of the post.

You can click on the image below and a new window will open up where you can have a browse through the shop. Please do get in touch with me if you would like any help.  My contact details are at the end of the post and I really am happy to help as much as I can.

If you would like to get in touch with me, here is where I can be found.  

I would love to hear from you.





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