
Saturday, Saturday, Saturday


The weekend arrived and I am sure its going to be a lovely one for me with Sophia and Christiana, who are due to arrive today.  Katerina is settling back into her UK life in Preston but there has been a little bit of a problem with her flat.  The people who live above her had a water leak, which has damaged some walls in Katerinas place.  Fortunately, the landlady is going to get the walls repainted. However, this leak went to the flat underneath Katerinas and then into the one below that, yikes. Here is a photo of the three girls together

Weather here is a lot cooler now, really nice and manageable or did I just get used to the heat?  not sure.  I havent seen any news since my arrival but we have been given a website to watch live UK TV so I will put the news on soon, to see what is happening in the UK.

We had a day at home yesterday as Paul is a bit under the weather.  Fingers crossed that he feels better today but, it did give me chance to finish off the watercolouring of my swaps for Convention and to start the tops of my Christmas Cards.  I will come home quite organised.

Meet Tiddy (or Fleabag, or Ginger or Garfield, all depends who you ask what its name is).  She adopted us and I can assure you, I dont really want her around.

She is just having water, I havent fed her at all well, she isnt my cat.

Thanks for having a read today and I wish you a wonderful weekend.

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