
Taking time to smell the rose

Monday and an extremely busy morning (was there till gone 2 today).  I dont mind as today it was a lovely morning *nudge nudge wink wink*

We have spent the last couple of days finalising everything, sorting out clothes rails, as I have no wardrobes, sorting out tv and internet and generally thinking OMG it really is happening.  The exchange still hasnt happened, although it should have done by now but fingers crossed, there are still a couple of hours left.

Walking in from a brilliant afternoon out yesterday with Rob, Nat and the grandchildren, I smelt the rose at my front door and wow.  The aroma is wonderful, trust it to all flower now.

I am not brilliant at taking photos but this is a lovely rose and one I need to replace.

A few weeks ago I put a plea out for help for some navy butterflies and this is the reason I wanted them.

I made a couple of Candy Bar signs for Nat's sister's wedding later this month.  I wont tell you the price she paid just for some tags on white hammered card......

So my SU order is just sitting here, waiting to be submitted.  If there is anything at all you would like to add to this (last chance of FREE p+p) get in touch before 8pm.  

I am now off to pack my 2 craft bags with all my necessary crafting goodies as that is all that I shall have available for a while, yikes.  Be prepared if you live local, I may call you to see if I can borrow a bit of crafting space.

Thanks for having a read and have a wonderful evening

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