Good morning from a cloudy Derby. Temperature today is supposed to be around 15 degrees and to remain cloudy but, not rain!! We shall see about that.
It has been a busy few days, lovely to see everyone on Tuesday *waving* and then on Friday we had Christmas card and chatter night, I think it was definately more chattering than cards he he. I did manage to get a few more card fronts made which will turn into Christmas cards this week.
Yesterday I went to a MDF class in Balby with Pam, Leslie and Tracy and the day just whizzed past. That's it for my crafty classes out and about for this year, I have been to 3 in the last 3 weeks, phew. Loved it yesterday and hope to get my projects finished to share with you over the next few days, along with the others I am working on.
This is one of the cards that we made at Craftwork cards last week.
If you get a chance to go to one of their workshops, I can certainly recommend it. A great day out.
Paul has spent this week going though all the paperwork, along with lots of other things. I am really pleased to say that it has all been sorted and everything filed away, in its own home. This does mean, hopefully, we should be able to find things that we are looking for, phew. Now I have to go round and put away all those little bits that have been left out that we are not sure what to do with but not today.
The base of the last building is just about finished, the concrete comes tomorrow and the actual building comes in 2 weeks time. It all feels as though its coming together.
Just to let you know that I only have 2 spaces available for crafty night on Tuesday 24th November. If you did want to come along, please get in touch.
SAVE THE DATE - Tuesday 22nd December is fuddle night from 6pm. It will be lovely to see you, to catch up, to swap the Christmas cards and have a lovely evening together. We shall be having a fuddle, a secret santa and, you will need your sticky stuff and scissors with you. Do let me know if you can make it.
The conservatory saga continues, but more on that tomorrow. Thanks for having a read and I hope you have a wonderful Sunday x