
Day 10 card challenge - Christmas cards with old but favourite stamps

 Good evening.  I could really do with another few hours in each day please.  I dont know where the time is going?  I get up, have breakast, eat lunch and then its time to go to bed.  I am still writing my lists each morning but I am not ticking many things off.  Oh well, I am very pleased to be very busy and it is wonderful seeing all the folk that pass by to pick things up.

I cant believe that we out of Christmas cards to send!! Honestly.  It seems impossible but we did.  I have had to put together another 30 cards today.  


Well I have done them and they are going to be my cards for Day 10 but not what I was expecting to do.  I blame the coronavirus because each month we would have had our Christmas Card Night get together, we would have made cards all year long and then I would have had extras, not run out.  So the only thing I can do is book us in for a Zoom Christmas card making night, the second Friday of each month from the comfort of our own homes.  7.00pm - 9.00pm and we shall have a theme each month, santas, gnomes, scenes, etc. etc.  Just let me know if you are up for it.  The first one will be Friday 8th January 2021 and the theme will be scenes or anything else you fancy doing and as soon as the restrictions start to lift, I shall open my doors and we can meet up in person, oh I cant wait.  How I have missed the personal contact.  

Short but sweet from me today, I hope you have a wonderful evening, until tomorrow.  Thank you for having a read, Tracey x

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